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BB4CA — the team

The Team

BB4CA was ini­ti­at­ed by young indi­vid­u­als who for­mer­ly were part of the Sail for Cli­mate Action Project and indi­vid­u­als who are mem­bers of the Ger­man Youth NGO Kli­madel­e­ga­tion e.V.  The project is joint­ly orga­nized by young vol­un­teers from Latin Amer­i­ca, the Caribbean and Europe.  What brings them togeth­er is their pas­sion for the fight against the cli­mate cri­sis and their deter­mi­na­tion to work towards achiev­ing true cli­mate justice.

I’m real­ly hap­py to be part of this project because as a black woman from Latin Amer­i­ca I believe that our voic­es need to be echoed and we need more oppor­tu­ni­ties and I believe that through this project we will be open­ing paths and build­ing pre­cious and strong bridges.
Kari­na Penha

Next to ampli­fy­ing young LAC people’s voic­es in the cli­mate debate and great expe­ri­ences for every­one involved in this project, I hope that BB4CA will be a start­ing point for many more ini­tia­tives to fol­low, that make the cli­mate move­ment more diverse, holis­tic and tru­ly global!
Lea Gigou
Alicia Amancio

Alicia Amancio (Brazil)

Ali­cia is an Inter­na­tion­al Rela­tions stu­dent and for the last five years works with the inter­na­tion­al youth cli­mate move­ment. In Brazil, her work is focused on social and cli­mate justice.

Andrea Cantillo

Andrea Cantillo (Colombia)

Anna Braam

Anna Braam (Germany)

I hope that we will be able to cre­ate a mean­ing­ful plat­form and space for young cli­mate activists from lati­namer­i­can and caribbean coun­tries rais­ing their voic­es in the UNFCCC con­text and beyond. Per­son­al­ly I am look­ing for­ward to learn­ing a lot!”

Ashley Albury

Ashley Albury (The Bahamas)

I’m Ash­ley— a 22 year old from The Com­mon­wealth of The Bahamas. My goals and inter­ests are guid­ed by com­mu­ni­ty cul­ture and an innate pas­sion for research­ing and sus­tain­ably solv­ing chal­lenges that result from and influ­ence social, eco­nom­ic, and envi­ron­men­tal behaviors. 

With con­tin­ued pro­fes­sion­al and edu­ca­tion­al expe­ri­ence, I espe­cial­ly aim to expand my knowl­edge and out­look on fac­tors relat­ed to Urban Plan­ning. Rang­ing from cli­mate change to con­sumer prac­tices. The impact it had, has, and can have- with my help.

Azul Schvartzman (Argentina)

Azul Schvartzman (Argentina)

Azul is a cli­mate activist from Buenos Aires. She is a con­sul­tant in sus­tain­abil­i­ty issues and youth engage­ment in Argentina.

Clara von Glasow

Clara von Glasow (Germany)

Clara is a law grad­u­ate, board mem­ber of Kli­madel­e­ga­tion and recent­ly crossed the Atlantic with two sail­ing projects. She has exper­tise in UNFCCC process­es and cli­mate change education.

Fenja Feitsch

Fenja Feitsch (Germany)

Fen­ja is study­ing Engi­neer­ing and Busi­ness. In her opin­ion, the ener­gy tran­si­tion must be thought of local­ly as well as glob­al­ly. The ben­e­fit for the peo­ple must always be in the foreground.

Johanna Zabel

Johanna Zabel (Germany)

Johan­na stud­ies envi­ron­men­tal sci­ences and pol­i­tics. The focus on cli­mate jus­tice and inclu­sion of diverse per­spec­tives in the fight against cli­mate change is very impor­tant to her. 

Julian Hirschmann

Julian Hirschmann (Germany)

Julian is com­mit­ted to effec­tive, glob­al­ly just cli­mate pro­tec­tion in many dif­fer­ent ways besides his physics studies.

Karina Penha

Karina Penha (Brazil)

Kilian Osberghaus (LCOY 2019)

Kilian Osberghaus (Germany)

Kil­ian is study­ing indus­tri­al engi­neer­ing. Through study and vol­un­teer­ing, his long-term goal is to make the econ­o­my more sustainable.

Kisjonah Roos

Kisjonah Roos (Netherlands)

Kisjon­ah sailed from Ams­ter­dam to South Amer­i­ca as part of Sail to the COP. Pre­vi­ous­ly, she was part of the Fair Future Gen­er­a­tors trainee­ship of the Dutch branch of Friends of the Earth.

Lara Schech (Germany)

Lara Schech (Germany)

Lara is an ener­gy econ­o­mist work­ing in the ener­gy sec­tor. At Kli­madel­e­ga­tion, she con­cen­trates on top­ics and projects regard­ing the ener­gy tran­si­tion, inter­gen­er­a­tional equi­ty and youth participation.

Lea Gigou (Germany)

Lea Gigou (Germany)

Lea is study­ing physics. She wants to cre­ate knowl­edge and under­stand­ing around polit­i­cal process­es and sci­en­tif­ic facts. Her wish is that diverse per­spec­tives are heard in the cli­mate debate.

Lena Gerstmanns (Netherlands)

Lena Gerstmanns (Netherlands)

Lena is a stu­dent of Glob­al Sus­tain­abil­i­ty Sci­ence in Utrecht. Last semes­ter, she did a minor psy­chol­o­gy in Guadala­jara, Mexico.

Niklas Wagner (Germany)

Niklas Wagner (Germany)

Niklas loves forests and syn­er­gies between sus­tain­abil­i­ty goals. He focus­es on glob­al cli­mate jus­tice and is cur­rent­ly doing his PhD.

Pia Jorks

Pia Jorks (Germany)

Pia stud­ied polit­i­cal sci­ence & eco­nom­ics. Her top­ics are ambi­tion rais­ing, human rights, cli­mate risks & resilience. For her, inclu­sion & coop­er­a­tion are the key to cli­mate justice.

Simon Lange (Germany)

Simon Lange (Germany)

Simon stud­ies mechan­i­cal engi­neer­ing and spe­cialised in renew­able ener­gies. He is involved in sci­ence projects and pol­i­tics con­cern­ing the cli­mate crisis.

Steff McDermott (Cayman Islands)

Steff McDermott (Cayman Islands)

Steff is a con­ser­va­tion­ist from the Cay­man Islands. She is a found­ing mem­ber of the Cay­man Islands Man­grove Rangers and the Caribbean Coor­di­na­tor for the Ocean Heroes Boot­camp. She is pas­sion­ate about engag­ing youth in envi­ron­men­tal con­ser­va­tion to ele­vate their per­son­al and pro­fes­sion­al lives.

Tarran Simms (The Bahamas)

Tarran Simms (The Bahamas)

Tar­ran Simms is a cli­mate activist that cur­rent­ly lives and works in The Bahamas. Cur­rent­ly he is work­ing with The Bahamas Min­istry of Tourism and Avi­a­tion in the Sus­tain­abil­i­ty Depart­ment. He sits on the Nation­al Cli­mate Change Com­mit­tee and is cur­rent­ly help­ing to devel­op a frame­work for action for cli­mate empow­er­ment with­in the coun­try. He is bold, brave, and embraces col­lab­o­ra­tion for cli­mate justice. 

Tori Tsui

Tori Tsui (England)

Tori is a cli­mate activist, cre­ative and con­ser­va­tion research grad based in Eng­land. Her work has been fea­tured by BBC Earth, Stel­la McCart­ney and i‑D magazine.