BB4CA programme
The young climate experts from Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) will undertake a 7‑week long online preparatory capacity building before starting their virtual climate journey, where they will be undertaking a 5‑week long multifaceted virtual programme between the 17th November and 19th December 2020 and meet around 50 different actors and institutions from Germany and Europe. The 25 young LAC climate experts will pose demands, discuss and exchange approaches to climate action in places of power in Germany (German and European youth, organizations, initiatives, scientific and educational institutions, companies, and finally government officials, negotiators, politicians). They will share their knowledge, their stories, their experiences, their expertise and their realities of the unfolding climate crisis. They will raise their concerns regarding the current impacts of climate change affecting front-line communities and the expected impacts on young and future generations. Through multiple consultations and feedback loops the young climate experts have already been involved in the development of the BB4CA programme in Germany.
BB4CA Event Series — Serie de eventos BB4CA
In 5 virtual events the young climate experts of the project, from Latin America and the Caribbean, will share with you their perspectives as young people of the global south, as young People of Color and representatives of indigenous peoples. They will address 5 exciting topics concerning climate protection, environmental protection, climate activism and climate justice. Together we want to build bridges for global climate action!
En 5 eventos virtuales los jóvenes expertos en clima del proyecto, de América Latina y el Caribe, compartirán con ustedes sus perspectivas como jóvenes del sur global, como jóvenes de color y representantes de los pueblos indígenas. Abordarán 5 temas apasionantes relacionados con la protección del clima, la protección del medio ambiente, el activismo climático y la justicia climática.
¡Juntos queremos construir puentes para la acción climática global!

19/12 16:00 — 18:00 hrs CET
Climate Activism
The young climate experts will share their experiences in regard to challenges of climate activism in Latin America, the Caribbean and for indigenous communities. They will have a dialogue with climate activists from other world regions to exchange their views. /Los jóvenes expertos en clima compartirán sus experiencias con respecto a los desafíos del activismo climático en América Latina, el Caribe y las comunidades indígenas. Dialogarán con activistas climáticos de otras regiones del mundo para intercambiar sus opiniones.
Prepared by the young climate experts:
Steff McDermot (Caymen Islands), Ashneil Jeffers (Montserrat), Charles Trindade Baldaia (Brazil), Devon Carter (Anguilla), Ati Gunnawi Viviam Misslin Villafaña Izquierdo (Colombia)
Guest Speakers: Tonny Nowshin (Degrowth- and Climate Justice Activist born in Bangladesh, living in Germay), Licypriya Kangujam (9 years old climate activist from India and founder, The Child Movement), Helena Marschall (Fridays for Future Germany)

28/11 19:00 — 21:00 hrs CET
Colonization and Climate Change / la colonización y el cambio climático
The young climate experts from Latinamerica and the Caribbean share their perspectives on the connection between the climate crisis, colonization and remaining systems of injustice and oppression. /Los jóvenes expertos en clima de América Latina y el Caribe comparten sus perspectivas sobre la conexión entre la crisis climática, la colonización y los sistemas de injusticia y opresión restantes.
Prepared by the Young Climate Experts:
Vanessa Anglin (Jamaica) , Exe Tolaba (Argentina), Chandelle Nikki Toni O’Neil (Trinidad and Tobago), Elenita Almeida Sales (Brazil), Roxana Borda Mamani (Peru), Laura Veronica Muñoz Aguilar (Colombia), Felipe Antonio Ñanco Melillan (Chile)

03/12 19:00 — 21:00 hrs CET
Ocean and Climate Change / El océano y el cambio climático

The young climate experts will share their experience how the climate crisis is endangering marine ecosystems, how that affects the LAC region and what local solutions are in place. / Los jóvenes expertos en clima compartirán su experiencia sobre cómo la crisis climática está poniendo en peligro los ecosistemas marinos, cómo afecta eso a la región de ALC y qué soluciones locales existen.
Prepared by the Young Climate Experts:
Megan Ehman (Caymen Islands), Macius Djivenson (Haiti), Julia Proto Curi Hallal (Uruguay), Daniela Patricia Larios Castillo (Honduras),Maria Gabriela Costa Garcia (Ecuardor), O’neil Henry Leadon (The Bahamas), Tarran Simms (The Bahamas)
12/12 19:00 — 21:00 hrs CET
Agriculture and Climate Change / La agricultura y el cambio climático
The young climate experts will share insights on the importance of traditional agricultural practice for their countries, how the climate crisis is affecting their agricultural livelihood and on the need to transform to sustainable ways of production and landuse. /Los jóvenes expertos en clima compartirán sus ideas sobre la importancia de la práctica agrícola tradicional para sus países, la forma en que la crisis climática está afectando a sus medios de vida agrícolas y la necesidad de transformarse a formas de producción y uso de la tierra sostenibles
Prepared by the Young Climate Experts:
Yaquemilsa Fredelinda Matiashi Vicente (Peru), Roxana Borda Mamani (Peru), Nataly Chuve Oreyai (Bolivia), Felipe Antonio Ñanco Melillan (Chile), Chandelle Nikki Toni O’Neil (Trinidad and Tobago), Vanessa Anglin (Jamaica), Daniela Paola Balaguera Villafaña (Colombia)

17/12 19:00 — 21:00 hrs CET
Green Economic Recovery

The young climate experts will shed light on the issue of transitioning economies towards climate just and environmental friendly pathways — what is needed for that and how this can be done in their region. Beyond that they will have a dialogue with actors from europe to exchange on the regions differences and similarities to green economic recovery. /Los jóvenes expertos en clima arrojarán luz sobre la cuestión de las economías en transición hacia vías climáticas justas y respetuosas con el medio ambiente: qué se necesita para ello y cómo puede hacerse en su región. Además, mantendrán un diálogo con actores de Europa para intercambiar sobre las diferencias y similitudes de las regiones con la recuperación económica verde.
Prepared by the young climate experts:
Juan Pablo de Jesús Sierra Suárez (Colombia), Charles Trindade Baldaia (Brazil), Ashneil Jeffers (Montserrat), Roxana Borda Mamani (Peru)
Guest Speakers: Sophia Bachmann — German Youth Delegate for Sustainable Development, Norbert Gorißen — Deputy Director General at German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Jakob Blasel — Climate Activist and Candidate for the Federal Parliament 2021.
Legal Entity:
Klimadelegation e.V.