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BB4CA programme

BB4CA programme

The young cli­mate experts from Latin Amer­i­ca and Caribbean (LAC) will under­take a 7‑week long online prepara­to­ry capac­i­ty build­ing before start­ing their vir­tu­al cli­mate jour­ney, where they will be under­tak­ing a 5‑week long mul­ti­fac­eted vir­tu­al pro­gramme between the 17th Novem­ber and 19th Decem­ber 2020 and meet around 50 dif­fer­ent actors and insti­tu­tions from Ger­many and Europe. The 25 young LAC cli­mate experts will pose demands, dis­cuss and exchange approach­es to cli­mate action in places of pow­er in Ger­many (Ger­man and Euro­pean youth, orga­ni­za­tions, ini­tia­tives, sci­en­tif­ic and edu­ca­tion­al insti­tu­tions, com­pa­nies, and final­ly gov­ern­ment offi­cials, nego­tia­tors, politi­cians). They will share their knowl­edge, their sto­ries, their expe­ri­ences, their exper­tise and their real­i­ties of the unfold­ing cli­mate cri­sis. They will raise their con­cerns regard­ing the cur­rent impacts of cli­mate change affect­ing front-line com­mu­ni­ties and the expect­ed impacts on young and future gen­er­a­tions. Through mul­ti­ple con­sul­ta­tions and feed­back loops the young cli­mate experts have already been involved in the devel­op­ment of the BB4CA pro­gramme in Germany.

BB4CA Event Series — Serie de eventos BB4CA

In 5 vir­tu­al events the young cli­mate experts of the project, from Latin Amer­i­ca and the Caribbean, will share with you their per­spec­tives as young peo­ple of the glob­al south, as young Peo­ple of Col­or and rep­re­sen­ta­tives of indige­nous peo­ples. They will address 5 excit­ing top­ics con­cern­ing cli­mate pro­tec­tion, envi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion, cli­mate activism and cli­mate jus­tice. Togeth­er we want to build bridges for glob­al cli­mate action!

En 5 even­tos vir­tuales los jóvenes exper­tos en cli­ma del proyec­to, de Améri­ca Lati­na y el Caribe, com­par­tirán con ust­edes sus per­spec­ti­vas como jóvenes del sur glob­al, como jóvenes de col­or y rep­re­sen­tantes de los pueb­los indí­ge­nas. Abor­darán 5 temas apa­sio­n­antes rela­ciona­dos con la pro­tec­ción del cli­ma, la pro­tec­ción del medio ambi­ente, el activis­mo climáti­co y la jus­ti­cia climáti­ca. 
¡Jun­tos quer­e­mos con­stru­ir puentes para la acción climáti­ca global!


19/12 16:00 — 18:00 hrs CET
Climate Activism

The young cli­mate experts will share their expe­ri­ences in regard to chal­lenges of cli­mate activism in Latin Amer­i­ca, the Caribbean and for indige­nous com­mu­ni­ties. They will have a dia­logue with cli­mate activists from oth­er world regions to exchange their views. /Los jóvenes exper­tos en cli­ma com­par­tirán sus expe­ri­en­cias con respec­to a los desafíos del activis­mo climáti­co en Améri­ca Lati­na, el Caribe y las comu­nidades indí­ge­nas. Dialog­a­rán con activis­tas climáti­cos de otras regiones del mun­do para inter­cam­biar sus opiniones.

Pre­pared by the young cli­mate experts:
Steff McDer­mot (Cay­men Islands), Ash­neil Jef­fers (Montser­rat), Charles Trindade Bal­da­ia (Brazil), Devon Carter (Anguil­la), Ati Gun­nawi Vivi­am Misslin Vil­lafaña Izquier­do (Colom­bia)

Guest Speak­ers: Ton­ny Now­shin (Degrowth- and Cli­mate Jus­tice Activist born in Bangladesh, liv­ing in Ger­may), Licypriya Kan­gu­jam (9 years old cli­mate activist from India and founder, The Child Move­ment), Hele­na Marschall (Fri­days for Future Germany)

28/11 19:00 — 21:00 hrs CET
Colonization and Climate Change
/ la colonización y el cambio climático

The young cli­mate experts from Lati­namer­i­ca and the Caribbean share their per­spec­tives on the con­nec­tion between the cli­mate cri­sis, col­o­niza­tion and remain­ing sys­tems of injus­tice and oppres­sion. /Los jóvenes exper­tos en cli­ma de Améri­ca Lati­na y el Caribe com­parten sus per­spec­ti­vas sobre la conex­ión entre la cri­sis climáti­ca, la col­o­nización y los sis­temas de injus­ti­cia y opre­sión restantes.

Pre­pared by the Young Cli­mate Experts:
Vanes­sa Anglin (Jamaica) , Exe Tola­ba (Argenti­na), Chan­delle Nik­ki Toni O’Neil (Trinidad and Toba­go), Eleni­ta Almei­da Sales (Brazil), Rox­ana Bor­da Mamani (Peru), Lau­ra Veron­i­ca Muñoz Aguilar (Colom­bia), Felipe Anto­nio Ñan­co Melil­lan (Chile)

03/12 19:00 — 21:00 hrs CET
and Climate Change / El océano y el cambio climático

The young cli­mate experts will share their expe­ri­ence how the cli­mate cri­sis is endan­ger­ing marine ecosys­tems, how that affects the LAC region and what local solu­tions are in place. / Los jóvenes exper­tos en cli­ma com­par­tirán su expe­ri­en­cia sobre cómo la cri­sis climáti­ca está ponien­do en peli­gro los eco­sis­temas mari­nos, cómo afec­ta eso a la región de ALC y qué solu­ciones locales existen.

Pre­pared by the Young Cli­mate Experts:
Megan Ehman (Cay­men Islands), Macius Djiven­son (Haiti), Julia Pro­to Curi Hal­lal (Uruguay), Daniela Patri­cia Lar­ios Castil­lo (Honduras),Maria Gabriela Cos­ta Gar­cia (Ecuardor), O’neil Hen­ry Lead­on (The Bahamas), Tar­ran Simms (The Bahamas)

12/12 19:00 — 21:00 hrs CET
Agriculture and Climate Change / La agricultura y el cambio climático

The young cli­mate experts will share insights on the impor­tance of tra­di­tion­al agri­cul­tur­al prac­tice for their coun­tries, how the cli­mate cri­sis is affect­ing their agri­cul­tur­al liveli­hood and on the need to trans­form to sus­tain­able ways of pro­duc­tion and lan­duse. /Los jóvenes exper­tos en cli­ma com­par­tirán sus ideas sobre la impor­tan­cia de la prác­ti­ca agrí­co­la tradi­cional para sus país­es, la for­ma en que la cri­sis climáti­ca está afectan­do a sus medios de vida agrí­co­las y la necesi­dad de trans­for­marse a for­mas de pro­duc­ción y uso de la tier­ra sostenibles

Pre­pared by the Young Cli­mate Experts:
Yaque­mil­sa Fre­delin­da Mati­ashi Vicente (Peru), Rox­ana Bor­da Mamani (Peru), Nataly Chuve Oreyai (Bolivia), Felipe Anto­nio Ñan­co Melil­lan (Chile), Chan­delle Nik­ki Toni O’Neil (Trinidad and Toba­go), Vanes­sa Anglin (Jamaica), Daniela Pao­la Bal­a­guera Vil­lafaña (Colom­bia)

17/12 19:00 — 21:00 hrs CET
Green Economic Recovery

The young cli­mate experts will shed light on the issue of tran­si­tion­ing economies towards cli­mate just and envi­ron­men­tal friend­ly path­ways — what is need­ed for that and how this can be done in their region. Beyond that they will have a dia­logue with actors from europe to exchange on the regions dif­fer­ences and sim­i­lar­i­ties to green eco­nom­ic recov­ery. /Los jóvenes exper­tos en cli­ma arro­jarán luz sobre la cuestión de las economías en tran­si­ción hacia vías climáti­cas jus­tas y respetu­osas con el medio ambi­ente: qué se nece­si­ta para ello y cómo puede hac­erse en su región. Además, man­ten­drán un diál­o­go con actores de Europa para inter­cam­biar sobre las difer­en­cias y simil­i­tudes de las regiones con la recu­peración económi­ca verde.

Pre­pared by the young cli­mate experts:
Juan Pablo de Jesús Sier­ra Suárez (Colom­bia), Charles Trindade Bal­da­ia (Brazil), Ash­neil Jef­fers (Montser­rat), Rox­ana Bor­da Mamani (Peru)

Guest Speak­ers: Sophia Bach­mann — Ger­man Youth Del­e­gate for Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment, Nor­bert Gorißen — Deputy Direc­tor Gen­er­al at Ger­man Fed­er­al Min­istry for the Envi­ron­ment, Jakob Blasel — Cli­mate Activist and Can­di­date for the Fed­er­al Par­lia­ment 2021.

Legal Enti­ty:
Kli­madel­e­ga­tion e.V.