As a climate delegation, we work closely with a number of organisations. This is done on a project basis or in a regular exchange that goes beyond individual projects and concerns. All cooperations are based on mutual trust as well as common values and goals.
Our Advisory Board
Klimadelegation e.V. emerges from a working group of the Youth Alliance Zukunftsenergie, an alliance of the major youth environmental associations in Germany. This alliance no longer exists in this form. In 2019, the active volunteer members of the working group founded the now independent association Klimadelegation e.V. The members remain connected to the former sponsoring associations through a specially established advisory board to this day. Members of the advisory board are the BUND Youth, the KLJB Catholic Land Youth Movement, the NAJU Nature Conservation Youth in the NABU and the NFJD Nature Friends Youth of Germany.

Membership of the Climate Alliance
Since our foundation in 2019, we have been a member of the Climate Alliance Germany, a broad social alliance for climate protection. With more than 130 member organisations from the fields of environment, church, development, education, culture, health, consumer protection, youth and trade unions, the Climate Alliance is committed to an ambitious climate policy and a successful energy transition at local, national, European and international level. All its affiliates together represent around 25 million people.
Membership of Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe
The Climate Action Network (CAN) is a network of climate organizations with an international focus. Through a membership of CAN Europe, we are also part of the international network of Climate Action Network. CAN Europe has more than 140 member organizations in 35 European countries. Its member organizations represent more than 40 million people. Together, we work in the network of international organizations and environmental associations to give young people a strong voice in climate policy.