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Climate education

Project climate education

The aim of our cli­mate edu­ca­tion is to show the process­es of inter­na­tion­al cli­mate pol­i­cy and to moti­vate young peo­ple to get involved in pol­i­tics and soci­ety. To this end, we attend school class­es as well as pub­lic work­shops and con­fer­ences in order to reach as many young peo­ple as possible.

DPG / Engelke 2019

Our topics

Togeth­er we can tai­lor the struc­ture and con­tent of the mod­ules to the group, depend­ing on their inter­est and time frame.

In addi­tion, we offer plan­ning games and a cli­mate sim­u­la­tor as inter­ac­tive ele­ments. Par­tic­i­pants can, for exam­ple, take on the role of inter­na­tion­al nego­tia­tors dur­ing a cli­mate con­fer­ence and get to know the chal­lenges of dif­fer­ent groups of coun­tries in a play­ful way.

You are interested?

We are hap­py to come to you — whether in per­son or dig­i­tal­ly! If you are inter­est­ed in one or more of our mod­ules, we look for­ward to your inquiry!

Note: We are spread all over Ger­many and usu­al­ly have short dis­tances to the venue. If we have to trav­el far, there will be costs that we, as a young asso­ci­a­tion, may not be able to cov­er. For this pur­pose, we ask for com­pen­sa­tion for expenses.

Climate education also on social media

In addi­tion, we can be found on the fol­low­ing social media chan­nels, where we show insights into our work — where we also reg­u­lar­ly pub­lish con­tent on the top­ic of cli­mate edcuation.

Climate education on Instagram

Just take a look!